, Returns

Return Policy will automatically accept returns of product only for the following reasons and circumstances:

  • Customer wants to return the product under the 30-Days Right to Cancel policy.

  • Product was delivered and appeared defective or damaged upon arrival.

  • delivered a product that was not ordered. reserves the right to refuse returns of product that do not fall into any of these categories or fails to follow the standard Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedure, as described below.

RMA Procedure

Step 1. Determine which of the 3 situations applies to your return request and select it from the dropdown menu.
Step 2. Enter your order number as mentioned on your order confirmation.
Step 3. Fill out your contact information and send the form.

A customer support agent will contact you within a short period of time and provide you with further information.
We aim to handle all RMA requests within 2 business days.

Order Returns

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